On Oct. 2, Jubilee University leadership was invited to the Wentworth Military Academy Museum’s annual homecoming event. During the meeting, several memorabilia that had to be left behind during Wentworth’s final days–including building lettering and crests from the Administration Building and the former Tillotson Barracks–were officially handed over to the Museum as a sign of friendship and gratitude between alumni of the former school and the budding University.
After sharing a brief presentation about the University’s upcoming plans and its hopes to help “keep the Wentworth spirit alive,” leaders from the both the Museum and the University posed together with some of the memorabilia, together forming the acronym WMA for the former school.
Originally, the WMA Museum had hoped to hold a bonfire at its traditional spot on University grounds, but due to unforeseen circumstances the decision was made to move it to a different location this year.